Bridge Game

Meyerson convention

Bridge card game, the most popular card game in the world

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Meyerson convention

In contract bridge, the Meyerson convention is a defensive bidding convention to an opponent opening bid of 1 No Trump. Double shows at least 4 cards in a major and at least 4 cards in a minor, with both suit lengths totalling at least 9 cards. 2 Clubs shows at least 4 cards in each major. The other suited 2-level bids are natural; they simply show cards in the bid suit.

After a player doubles using the Meyerson convention, his partner may bid 2 Clubs to ask the doubler to bid his longer suit or pass if that suit is clubs. Doubler's partner may also bid 2 Diamonds to ask the doubler to bid his major suit. Any other bid that doubler's partner makes is natural.

The Meyerson convention may be used in either direct or balancing position, and it may also be used against strong or weak 1 No Trump openings.

The Meyerson convention is named after its inventor, Adam Meyerson of Los Angeles, California. The convention is quite similar to another convention known alternatively as Woolsey, after Kit Woolsey, or Robinson, after Steve Robinson of Arlington, Virginia. The Meyerson convention was originally developed as an ACBL General Convention Chart alternative to Woolsey/Robinson, which is not allowed in many ACBL sanctioned events.

See also

Home | Up | Blackwood Convention | Canap? | Drury | Drury convention | Flannery | Forcing notrump | Game try | Grand slam force | Jacoby 2NT | Jacoby Transfer | Kamikaze 1NT | Lebensohl | Lightner double | Meyerson convention | Michaels cuebid | Multi 2 diamonds | Relay bid | Rosenkrantz redouble | Semi-forcing notrump | Splinter bid | Stayman Convention | Takeout double | Unusual notrump | Weak two bid | Defenses to 1NT

Meyerson convention, defensive bidding convention, opening bid, No Trump, Double shows, 4 cards, major, minor, both suit, cards