Bridge Game

Bridge card game, the most popular card game in the world

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Drury is a convention which allows a passed hand to show a strong raise of a major suit at the two level. This convention uses a bid of 2 Clubs by a passed hand to show a limit raise. Originally, opener would rebid 2 of the major with a "real" opener--that is, a hand which would have opened even in first or second seat--and 2 Diamonds with a weaker hand. However, today most players using this convention play Reverse Drury, in which the rebid of the major is the weakest bid. Another variation is Two-Way Drury in which a response of 2 Diamonds shows 4-card support and 2 Clubs shows 3-card support.

Home | Up | Blackwood Convention | Canap? | Drury | Drury convention | Flannery | Forcing notrump | Game try | Grand slam force | Jacoby 2NT | Jacoby Transfer | Kamikaze 1NT | Lebensohl | Lightner double | Meyerson convention | Michaels cuebid | Multi 2 diamonds | Relay bid | Rosenkrantz redouble | Semi-forcing notrump | Splinter bid | Stayman Convention | Takeout double | Unusual notrump | Weak two bid | Defenses to 1NT

Bridge card game, the most popular card game in the world.