Bridge Game

Bridge card game, the most popular card game in the world

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in card games of the whist family, a squeezee is a player who is squeezed, in other words he/she is forced to play a card and any card she/he can legally play results in a loss. This loss may be material (e.g. establishing a winner for the other side) or immaterial (e.g. loss of an exit card in case of a Strip Squeeze).

Home | Up | Automatic Squeeze | Backwash squeeze | Criss-cross Squeeze | Double Squeeze | Entry-shifting Squeeze | Guard squeeze | Progressive Squeeze |

Pseudo-squeeze | Simple Squeeze | Single-suit Squeeze | Stepping-stone squeeze | Strip squeeze | Suicide Squeeze | Trump squeeze | Winkle squeeze | Squeezee

squeezee, player who is squeezed, forced to play a card, results in a loss, bridge, Auction Bridge, Contract Bridge, Rubber Bridge, slam, Suits, Hand Evaluation, Bidding Systems, Techniques, Diagram Convention, Safety Play, Game Theory, Games Classification, Cards, Card Games, Trick-Taking Games, Acol, Goren, Standard American, 2/1 Game Forcing, Conventions, High Card Points, Losing Trick Count, Quick Tricks, Two Suiter, Finesse, Squeeze, duplicate bridge