Bridge Game

Bridge card game, the most popular card game in the world

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Devil's coup

The Devil's Coup is a declarer play in Bridge to prevent opponents from taking a natural trump trick, typically with Qx opposite Jxx in trumps.

The aim is to come to a position similar to below. Spades are trumps and the lead is in dummy (North):



W         E


7 -
- -
- -

The ♥3 is lead. If East declines to ruff high then declarer ruffs and cashes the Ace and King of spades. If East ruffs high declarer overruffs and finesses to make the remaining two tricks. (Thus an expert will find a way to go down if East has QJ bare.)

Devil's coups are fairly rare as the other suits have to behave.

See also

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Bridge card game, the most popular card game inthe world.